Turning Energy Into Force by Grandmaster Duran
“We study the nascence of energies in stillness, the dynamic energies of movement, the interactions of energies between two or more people, the potential energies in any gathering or natural setting, the energies of nutrition and healthy function, the energies of the mind and ultimately the energies of the spirit.”
Dear Students,
Turning Energy into Force:
We do something unique as martial artists; we turn energy into force. The first and possibly most important aspect of this is accomplished by fostering benevolent energy and attempting to apply it in even the harshest of circumstances. Practicing kindness to those who would persecute or malign us helps to ensure our place in the world of infinite positive possibilities or pure potential. Kindness frees our minds and hearts, enabling them to adjust to and embrace the slightest possibility of a positive outcome and may even thwart an adversary from destructive behaviors and turn them around to do good. Kind people are attracted to kind people. Increasing kindness has immeasurable value. Benevolent energy can be turned into an influential force.
The energy of appreciation is universally accepted as a ticket to be. The veracious, unadulterated act of appreciating something increases that thing's value. Showing appreciation requires the energy of affirmation and acceptance. People, the arts, divergent practices, lifestyles and persuasions, cultural differences all flourish on appreciative energy. Appreciative energy allows for forward social and artistic momentum, a force of nurturing that creates growth.
The martial artist embraces the laws of physics to understand the martial arts. Our personal energy is explored on countless levels to create the well oiled machine and pass beyond to become super refined proponents of the unseen forces within and around us. We study the nascence of energies in stillness, the dynamic energies of movement, the interactions of energies between two or more people, the potential energies in any gathering or natural setting, the energies of nutrition and healthy function, the energies of the mind and ultimately the energies of the spirit. Energy is turned to force to be used and experienced on many levels, a force in accordance with nature and universal law, a force called the martial artist.
Special energy is special. We as martial artists seek to pass beyond the mundane into the place only martial artists can pass. One move, one exercise repeated without regard for comfort, one thought turned to enlightenment, forbearance of adversity or ignorance, forgiveness of fault, slight, insult or injury, moving beyond what we previously knew to a new place, new mastery, new horizons, new people, places, things - the martial artist is better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. While these things can be said of many endeavors, the martial artist stands alone in the completeness of the world's most formidable craft. Nothing rivals the martial arts where personal mastery is concerned - nothing.
We are martial artists, sorcerers of turning energy into force!
Yours in the spirit of martial brotherhood and energies,
Sifu Duran